Sunday, October 21, 2007

typical first weeks of a field enginner in Schlumberger

Let's be serious a little bit,

A couple of months before I suffered from a lack of informations regarding what I will do, I will try to give as much as possible informations regarding the famous position of Field Engineer.

As schlumberger said in the job description : a field engineer is the corner stone of the business, always dealing with sharp edged technology.

then, what does mean " field engineer" :
Schlumberger is a service company, that means that it does whatever jobs that a major, lets say a conventional oil company doesn't do.
As a field engineer, you will be, most of time, working in the field. this means that you will close to the well, wearing coveralls and hard hat and fighting with numerous and various problems.
You will occupy this position for at most 5 years and then, you will be affected to an "office" position.

A field engineer is assignated in one department like well services, wireline, Drilling and Measurements, artificial lift, etc...

For your instance, I am in Drilling and Measurement.

As I have only a one month life in the company, I am not able to tell a lot of things regarding this positions, but I can at least give you my first impressions and other-more-experienced- field engineers feedback ans secrets ;)

The first week sounds really good in the paper. You have to attend a seminar which is called OFS1. this seminar is occuring is several "exotic" place like Kuala lumpur, Beijing, Mumbai(india),... it can also be Melun in France.... (which is a little different than Kuala lumpur as for exemple).
During this seminar, you will deal with a lot of QHSE contents (Quality, Health, Safety and Environment). it is mandatory to deal with, and certainly efficient and necessary but to be honest you will be quickly bored...
they will also deliver a kind of general training material package which is designed to provide you a primer of oil business in general.

After this OFS1, you go to your team in your assignated country.
then you will spend a couple of weeks(2-4) in order to settle down with administrative issue, and have a first contact with your future occupation and draw your development plan.
You will meet, your line manager, get your PPE, get your proper function training materials.
during these weeks, you have to go through a lot of online tests in order to check that you were not sleeping during OFS1 course.

After this, induction periods, you will be ready to have your first time rig exposure.
Basically, you will be an "extra person" in the rig. Nothing to do but everything to learn.
You have to navigate in the rig and try to get a lot of informations about each people in different service ( as for example, you have to spend few hours with a wellsite geologist, a mud logger, a rig super intendant, etc...).
I can not tell you more about it as I will go tomorrow for my first time rig exposure.
I will tell you more when I will be back :-))


Anonymous said...

hi ,i find that you work in SLB, would you mind if you contact me just to know a little bit more about the job ? and about OFS1, please

My mail:-

Anonymous said...


You can browse my blog, I detailed the job and OFS1 in another posts.



Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.