Sunday, August 3, 2008

The last shift


One week and few days ago I was narrated the second episode of the trainee life. I was complaining that this job was too flat.Well, I guess you noticed that each time I say that the
job is getting bored, something will happen. Indeed, We ended up with two tool failures in a row. The likeliness of this event is very small. Anything can happen, and this is a very good example.
In between this, we got a fire drill simulation... That brought a lot of information for me : I can wake up from my sleep, put my lifejacket and go to the muster point correctly.I also see a lot of people who are not able to properly wear their lifejackets. I am sure that most of them are
not able to swim. What will happen in case of real emergency?

Anyway, I had to fight by emails with the supervisor in town. I asked him to release me from this rig and let me go back to Oman. he wanted to let me stay here till the end of my Visa but I definetely dont want. Almost 30 days here, it is more than enough I think. So after pushing like a rugbyman , I finally got him to confirm that I will be off today, the only problem is that he
said " I will try to...". We all know that " I will try " is definitely not equal to " I will do". So lets see

what will happen???

Hopefully this should be my last working shift. My
reliever is expected to be here today anytime. Few more
hours to go. As my senior french coworker use to say :
you can not be sure untill you have the two feet inside
the plane / boat / car / chopper.
By that time, I wish all the best to my kohai who is
expected to live her first day in this company today.
PS: I have nothing to PS for this time.

1 comment:

Seda said...

Senpaiiiii :)
You can not believe what happened. The first night in Blue Towers I killed a cockroach on my desk and the next days several more of them.

It is pretty boring actually, but I have nice friends at least, that makes everything better. I even met some Chinese whom I am going to work with. They are also really friendly.

But I am sad about you. In Abu Dhabi even it is not possible to breath, I can not even imagine how you manage in Muscat. must be so hot and humid.

I am looking forward to reach China, hopefully to a better weather condition but this time high level of population.

As you said I am the only PhD in the D&M and even in the whole group of OFS-1, 57 people. Tomorrow we are going to meet TDS (I am not sure if I remember the abbrevation correctly, this supposed to be related with somebody who is going to help m with my career planning hopefully)

That is all for all. I think I am going to start writing the blog later on, still I am like a small fish in the ocean

Take care
Ogenkide :D

PS I try to post it yesterday, but I could not catch the internet in Blue Towers. It is strange but internet in here is limited