I finally arrived in Iran.
My flight schedule was quiet simple : Muscat - Dubai - Kish island. All in all it should have taken 2 hours to be in Iran.Actually I arrived at 6 p.m instead of 1 p.m. Iranian airlines are not really stringent. I felt that the plane was waiting to be full before taking off.
No, just kidding.
(I also seen something really strange, there was a flight number, a timing, a gate but no destination. Is it the flight to nowhere? Well I was feeling after that, because this flight was cancelled . I took a picture of the board but this is not very clear.)
In fact, my travel agency gave me a ticket labelled dubai - kish but the flight number was corresponding to another flight which was going to another town in Iran. they were really nice to let me take the correct flight.At the end, my feeling is still positive because funny stewards and nice cakes balanced this late take off.
Arrived in Kish island airport, I was surprised to see that most of the passengers did even not pass by passport checking.
They went straight from arrival to departure gate. I knew later on that Kish is the closest place to go out from dubai and re
enter in. thanks to this, anyone can renew for 60 days his visit visa in Dubai and then stay permantly.
When it was my turn to check my passport, the officer ( who only knows 5 words in english ) was really surprised to see my french passport. He then asked me to come in an office behind his counter...I was starting to worry as I was the only guy who got this treatment.I quickly was reconforted as this guy was starting to be smily and try to communicate with me in French.
Later on, I had to put my finger prints in a form and give a copy of my passport.
My friend told me that they do this procedure for european people just because iranian people faced a lot of problem in the airports when they travel to europe. So, for me, its fine.I understand.
Finally , I took my bags and went out of the very small airport. the driver was waiting for me and of course he does not speak english. No problem, no need to communicate, he knows where to go....
After arriving in this shiny base, I had a quick review with my supervisor and I went to the Flamingo hotel.The officers (guys and ladies) are really nice and smilly. always ok to help.The food in the restaurant is also really nice. the waiter knows a couple of words in maybe ten languages ( also english). So it is really funny to see him starting speaking in french and then ... black out.
today, this is my 4th day in this place, after several visit in the beach by night, beach volley games and a lot of fun, I can only be surprised by iranian people...They are very nice and friendly, also joking and making fun of everything. They are not agressive and totally sad when you told them what you can hear about iran in western countries.
now I am just sitting in the office base for a couple of days, waiting for getting my offshore pass...I will explain you this "offshore survival " after I will do it. I heard that it is something really nice
PS: 1 $ is equal to 10 000 irani Rials... I changed 150$ yesterday. This is the first time in my life I am millionary in
something :-)
Complements of the season… from Lagos
16 years ago
1 comment:
hello azrin in french is azazel "ange déchu" mais aussi celui qui a appris la création des armes et des maquillages aux hommes et femmes!!!!
see you maybe in the "géhenne";)
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