Saturday, June 28, 2008

Persian gulf beach

Yesterday with some co workers, we played beach volley (as every night) in the famous persian gulf beach.

You know, men are prone to challenge themselves so we played during the last days a couple of games :

- first day it was a game north africa versus arab :due to my algerian origin, I was in north africa team. the team was composed by a tunisian guy,a libyan guy and me.We played against a sudanese guy ( who is not really arab), a lebanese guy and an omani guy.We drew.
- second day was arabs against persian. this time I was consider as an arab.Despite an attempt of destabilisation of my irani friend, who during the game put off all his clothes to be only wearing a slip : We won

- yesterday was a particulary motivated game. no more country or cultural opposition. This time it was segments game.D&M (my segment in schlumberger) against Testing. Guess what ? we won...

I think I am a winner.

today, I am starting to be serious, I have to setup for a nuclear calibration tools. The source should arrive tonight so maybe I will have to stay overnight at the base. then I have to follow in the morning with offshore survival course. Last step will be going to the rig.
this post can resume really well what is schlumberger life. Sometimes it is really flat, you just enjoy relaxation with friends, then everything pops up at the same time. It makes you really busy with almost no rest for few days.

Lets see what will be the offshore survival course.


PS: nothing to say just I am used to put a" PS: " in all the posts.

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